"Come and listen…and I will tell you what He did for me." Ps.66:16

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:5-6)

Believe me . . . trust was not on the top of my mind when on the receiving end of a phone call from my friends Melissa Taylor and Stephanie Clayton.  As a matter of fact, I think there were a few times I reached the speechless point and all I could say was “yes mam”.

Have you ever said “yes” to something and then two seconds after saying it, you’re like –  what just happened and what did I just say “yes” to?  For me it was all of the above and one more – what were you thinking when you said “yes mam”.

For those of who you don’t know, I got involved with Proverbs 31 Ministries through Melissa’s Online Bible Studies.   I signed up for A Confident Heart by Renee Swope because I was going to lead a small group of women through the book in my home.  So I thought … this is a novel idea….I will tag along with Melissa’s group and steal ideas from her and use them in my group … after all, I just wanted to be a better small group leader. No selfishness on my part – right?

And, as I’m finding out along the way, one thing with Melissa leads to another. God has moved me from group participant to now serving on Melissa’s leadership team with a few guest blog appearances here and there to She Speaks attendee.  So I just kept doing what seemed to be the next right thing and loving it – that was until the phone call!!!

The phone call brought all kinds of stinking thinking to my mind.  Melissa and Stephanie began telling me about all my strengths and how they wanted to take me to the next level of leadership, which can really mess with your mind on more than one level.  Stephanie had started talking platforms and I didn’t even know what a platform was –  but according to her, God has given me one.

And here comes the kicker,  they wanted me to step out of the groups I was leading and invest that time in hearing from God, listening to what He wanted and explore the gift of writing that they both seemed to think I possess.  Not what they wanted – not what I wanted – but what HE wanted.  Get the HE part, herebecause I didn’t! I got to thinking about what I wanted. I wanted to stay in my comfort zone!   The more I processed the call, the more I thought.  The more I thought, the more “stuff” crept in. “Stuff”  like pride and more pride and even more pride.  And then along came fear – lots and lots of fear mixed in with a ton of self-doubt.  Fear of rejection. Fear of failure.  Fear of not being good enough. Fear of having nothing special to offer.  Fear of criticism.  Fear of blank pages.

So much fear that I tried to call Melissa to tell her what she could do with her next leadership step for me -‘thanks, but no thanks’, was the stuffed response – but I got a busy signal.  I never get a busy signal when I call.  So I made my way home, opened Facebook and there was Stephanie having a bad day.  How could I be the one to make Stephanie’s day worse??  I couldn’t, so I didn’t.  I went to bed at 7pm.  Realize that  7pm just doesn’t happen at my house!

So I texted Renee the next day and told her how I was struggling with leaving what I loved doing, what I was comfortable doing – but not mentioning to Renee my real fears – she gently nudges me to read Chapter 8 – “When Doubt Whispers – I Don’t Have Anything Special to Offer” of A Confident Heart.  Her advice, “read it for you and you ONLY and write down all you learn about Him and you through it, and then we will talk more.”  I texted back, “how did you know”?  She politely answered with a smilie face and the words “because I know you.”

As I reached for my book, it automatically opened up to Chapter 12 – a list of God’s promises.  Promises that I’ve read over and over.  He hit me square between the heart with the very first promise;  “When (I/Donna) says, I can’t figure things out.  God says: I will direct your steps. ‘Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight. (Proverbs 3: 5-6)'”

God, Himself confirming the words and directions given by Melissa, Stephanie and Renee.  Through His very words, I realized that I wasn’t trusting Him with my whole heart nor was I submitting my ways to His ways.  I was doing the one thing that He asked us not to do to; I was leaning on my understanding – and trust me – a very limited understanding at that!

I wish I could tell you that all of the fears and even the pride have suddenly disappeared – but they haven’t.  They have diminished and are slowly being replaced with trust for Him.  And I’m praying that with every push of the post button they continue to diminish.  The prayer of my heart is to make Jesus famous with my hands, words and life   – not Donna – not Melissa – not Stephanie – not Renee – but Jesus!

Lord, I thank You that You don’t want to leave us where you find us –  You want to draw us closer and closer to your heart.  Cause us to trust you more.  Lord, we believe, help our unbelief.  Show us how to make You famous.  Forgive us when we disobey. Thank You for your promises.  Cause us to really listen to Your voice and then obey Your voice. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Now for the fun part!! I will be giving away one copy of “Unglued”, Lysa TerKuerst’s newest best seller along with a conference call series for Melissa’s online Bible study for “Unglued”.   For more info on the conferences calls click here: “Unglued” Conference Call Series Part 1 & 2.  Winners will be announced no later than noon on Monday!

Comments on: "The Blog That Almost Wasn’t" (139)

  1. stephlovesed said:

    Thank you so much for your words of truth. It’s nice to know I’m not the only one they struggles with moving from MY comfort zone to what God wants to bless me with next. I’m so looking forward to the Unglued Study. I’ve signed up for one other with no success in completing, hopefully with God’s help I’ll complete this one. I’ll be starting my morning out by praying for you and your “yes mam” endeavors:)
    Btw, I was so into your blog that I forgot I had started the tea kettle on:/ I’ll take this as a blessing as half of the kitchen is pretty steamed up and needed wiping down anyways:)

  2. Paula Lloyd said:

    I found your blog by way of Melissa Taylor! So excited to sign up and read your encouraging words! I have found the last few months that with all the wonderful blogs I have subscribed I have gotten exactly what He has needed me to hear. I am so greatful and thankful that you are following His plans for you and sharing wth us!

  3. That is so inspiring! God’s way is always the best! What an encourager to step out and do what scares you. Thanks so much, I am looking forward to Unglued

  4. Donna, I have just been asked to step out of my comfort zone recently and this message spoke directly into that situation as well. Thank you for sharing your testimony. It is and will be a continued blessing to me.

  5. Kelly Galambus said:

    Thank you for sharing on stepping out of your comfort zone. It really blessed my heart to read your testimony.

  6. I am trusting the Lord to give me the “word of my testimony” and stick-to-it-iveness through the Conference calls and the “Unglued” Bible Study. Your blog today touched my heart. I’m blessed to be reminded that God won’t leave me where He found me.

  7. Thank you for sharing. So many of us probably relate. Easy to hold on to our insecurities when God wants us to live out His power and wisdom and truth. Hide it under a bushel, No!!, God and I are gonna let it shine!

  8. Wow, Donna!!! Thank you for posting this…. I have been struggling for almost 2 years about starting a blog and getting the women at my church to come out of their comfort zone. I often know that if “I” myself am living a comfort zone, then how can I tell these women to tear down that wall. Right?!?!?!? Your words hit a home run in me, about how I am feeling. Thank you again for these encouraging words. Have a great day! ; )

  9. I found your blog through Melissa Taylor and I’m glad I did. I complete understand about coming out of your comfort zone. I look forward to reading more from you!

  10. Wow did I need to read those words today! Listening for what HE wants and trusting Him in His answer! Thank you!

  11. There are far worse ways to be pulled from your comfort zone. 🙂
    I hope you enjoy the journey as much as the rest of us will likely enjoy hearing about it.
    Remember you are now living what is still a dream for many women.

  12. Kelly Harrington said:

    Thks! Would LOVE to enjoy those conference calls.

  13. Margaret Lehmann said:

    This was so right between the eyes for me! The quote “Fear of rejection. Fear of failure. Fear of not being good enough. Fear of having nothing special to offer. Fear of criticism.” is what I face as a new Christian in my bible study and desire to serve God. I know God has something special for me, and I am searching now to find what that is. I am a new reader of the bible and loving it as I get more into it. I look forward to the day I can quote directly when my family needs the support. Thanks for your comments to help strengthen me. I especially like the prayer mentioning of “Lord I believe, help me with my unbelief” because everyday I repeat this as I face the fact that I am trying so hard to do things on my own when I just need to surrender fully! God bless you and I look forward to the conference calls on Unglued. I’ll be there tonight!

  14. Donna, I am so proud of you for not listening to Satan, the deceiver and father of lies! You have kept your eyes on Jesus. You have taken every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. You have listened and obeyed. Now look what God is doing!!!! Thank you for this powerful message today.

    I love how God is using you and am so thankful to be walking this journey alongside you!

    Blessings to you today,


  15. Heather Thomas said:

    Love your blog. Going to subscribe to it!! Looking forward to Unglued!! Thanks!!

  16. Halelujah!
    For He is Worthy <
    Stacey B.

  17. I’d love to learn more, thanks, Marjorie

  18. Please enter me in the giveaway of Unglued. Thanks(:

  19. Loved reading your blog! Thanks for sharing!

  20. Debbie Williams said:

    Thanks for the beautiful testimony Donna – words of wisdom to us all. It’s amazing how God can change us one day at a time as we allow Him to work in us. When I started college I did not like speaking to the class, and now some years later my family will tell you as well as my old bosses they love hearing me speak and I love it. Afraid now that I have retired and don’t have all those meetings and retirement luncheons to speak at that I will lose this talent. Keep writing lady – I loved your blog today.

  21. Thank you Donna! I too am being pushed out of my comfort zone by God in my business. I am trying so hard to lean on His understanding and guidance and glorify Him in all that I do. I am really looking forward to the Unglued study. Many blessings!

  22. Thank you so much for sharing your heart and struggles with us. It is reassuring to know that even you with far more knowledge than me have the same struggles i do. Prov. 3:5-6 has always been one of my favorite verses also. I am still working my way through the Confident Heart study but still need so much work in that area. I am also looking forward to the Unglued study coming up and hoping to win a book. This that you have written is going into my “Saved Messages” folder and in my bible as a reminder that i can read when i get discouraged and lacking confidence. God bless you as you continue to submit to and follow Him!

  23. Donna, this is amazing! I read your words and felt as if I was reading my own…especially the opening few paragraphs. Just yesterday I wrote about how I am a MESS!! God recently showed Himself beyond faithful, but as He stirs the next step in my heart…I doubt, lean on my understanding and fear! I get this as I’m sure many women do…keep walking in obedience, especially when you are afraid! Pray He blesses you beyond measure! Thankful I was able to see your smiling face at She Speaks!! Blessings, Jill

  24. Donna…this is wonderful!! We never know how or when God is going to speak to us in our journey or whom He will speak to us through. I am glad Melissa’s phone was busy that day! lol I am so looking forward to your Blog and to this new study which I need desperatly in my life right now! Praying for you and all the study leaders as you are preparing to lead the rest of us to gain every little bit growth we can from “Unglued”!
    Many Blessings,
    Cindy in TN!!!

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